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ECAC Meeting Minutes 10/26/12
Employee Compensation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: 10/26/12 at 10am
Present:  Gareth Backhaus, Muriel Lazzarini, Mickey Jervas, Maynard Forbes, Melissa Noe, Larry Klein and Daniel Moriarity

  • The minutes from 10/12/12 were approved as written.
  • Reports were made from the sub groups on the following:
  • Legal items: Copies were provided of the list of questions sent to Attorney Philip Collins.  
  • Employee Handbook & Policies: The subcommittee working on the handbook asked for thoughts on 3 items.  The first item had to do with mileage reimbursement and whether or not the town should continue to set their own rate or use the federal rate.  It was agreed that this is a relatively small expense and that it should match the federal reimbursement rate.  Muriel will bring this to the Select Board for a vote.  The next item was bereavement leave and whether or not there should be a set amount of time offered in a policy or whether it should be handled on a case by case basis at the discretion of the Board.  Everyone agreed that it should be at the discretion of the Board.  The last item was jury duty, specifically extended jury duty.  By law an employer has to pay for the first 3 days of jury duty.  It was decided that special consideration may be provided by the Select Board for extenuating circumstances/situation should an employee be placed on a grand jury assignment or on a trial that lasts longer than 1 week.
  • Salary Subcommittee: The salary subcommittee provided copies of a step chart created by Michael Storch several years ago with updated figures from last year depicting a step chart for salary increases based on COLA, performance and productivity.  It was agreed by all that the current system isn’t working as any salary increases or non-increases have no justification behind them.  It was suggested that the individual salary line items should not be listed that way on the ATM warrants but rather budgets should be presented as a whole by department as most surrounding towns do.  Once we hear back from Attorney Collins on contracts the Committee will discuss this further and decide how to proceed with a recommendation to the Select Board.  The Committee also discussed the guidelines on the FLSA website with regards to exempt and non-exempt status – specifically the Inter-Departmental Secretary’s position.  It was agreed to see what Attorney Collins advises with regards to all positions in town.
  • The Committee confirmed the dates for the next 2 meetings: November 9th and November 30th all at 10am in the town hall.
Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Inter-Departmental Secretary